exercises: practise using conjunctions and transition words:

despite, in spite of, although and even though (contrast)

  • exercise 1: drag and drop: match the two halves of the sentences
  • exercise 2: fill in despite, in spite of, although or even though
  • exercise 3: choose although or in spite of
  • exercise 4: choose in spite of, despite or although 
  • exercise 5: choose despite, in spite of, although, though or even though 
  • exercise 6: choose although, though, despite or however
  • exercise 7: fill in despite, in spite of, although or even though

to, in order to, so that and for (purpose)

  • exercise 1: choose to, in order to, so that or for
  • exercise 2: fill in to, in order to or so that
  • exercise 3: choose to, in order to, so that or for (scroll down the page)

if, unless and in case (condition)

if (condition) and when (time)

therefore, since, so, consequently, due to, since, because, as a result en consequently (cause and effect)

  • exercise 1: choose therefore, since, so, consequently, due to, since, because, as a result or consequently
  • exercise 2: create full sentences using because, as a result, since, therefore en due to
  • exercise 3: choose because (of), due to (the fact that), owing to (the fact that), since, as, therefore, consequently, as a result or so

after, when, while, as soon as, etc (time)

  • exercise 1: create full sentences using until, when, while, as soon as, before, whenever, the moment and (soon) after
  • exercise 2: choose when or while

and, but, so and because (elementary)

Two conjunctions and transition words (elementary)

Various conjunctions and transition words

  • exercise 1: match each sentence on the left with an appropriate ending on the right.
  • exercise 2: make one sentence from two using a linking word
  • exercise 3: make one sentence from two using a linking word
  • exercise 4: choose the correct linking word(s) to complete each sentence
  • exercise 5: choose the correct linking word(s) to complete each sentence
  • exercise 6: choose the correct linking word
  • exercise 7: choose the correct linking word
  • exercise 8: choose and, that, because, but, if, or, than or when
  • exercise 9: fill in and, but , or or so